Coming Home
London Quilters mounts a group show every two years and the last one, "Coming Home", was held at the Swiss Cottage Library from 17 November 2014 to 4 January 2015. It was well attended with visitors taking the opportunity to buy hand-made gifts and cards for Christmas. Members were responsible for stewarding at the show, which gave visitors the chance to speak to many of the makers during the six weeks of the exhibition. 60 quilts were displayed, including the group quilt, "Coming Home", used to raise funds for two charities, Noah's Ark Hospice and WaterAid. This quilt is the first in the gallery page. There was also a separate display of small quilts, 12" x 12" (30cm x 30cm) marking the 100th anniversary of the start of WW1. Many visitors were visibly moved by this part of the exhibition. Pictures of all the exhibited quilts can be seen in the Gallery section of this site.
We were invited to show a selection of pieces from the exhibition at the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia in March 2015. The World War 1 quilts were also displayed and, as before, drew many admiring comments from visitors. News of the exhibition reached the Southern Hemisphere and was featured in Down Under Quilts. The article is reproduced below with kind permission of the publishers, Practical Publishing
We were invited to show a selection of pieces from the exhibition at the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia in March 2015. The World War 1 quilts were also displayed and, as before, drew many admiring comments from visitors. News of the exhibition reached the Southern Hemisphere and was featured in Down Under Quilts. The article is reproduced below with kind permission of the publishers, Practical Publishing
Header image - Charity Group Quilt 2015