Noah's Ark Hospice
Priya Singh from the Noah's Ark Hospice, one of the supported causes for the "Coming Home" raffle quilt, gave an enlightening and moving talk about the work of the hospice. Our Vice Chairman, Maggie Paykel, was delighted to present her with a cheque for £900 from the raffle proceeds.
70 banners were also presented to Priya to help with the attempt to break the world record of 7 miles of bunting! There's still a lot of sewing to be done in the next two years... In preparation for this challenge, a pattern and instructions for the bunting can be found in the Template link
More information about the work of Noah's Ark Hospice can be found on their website
The group received a lovely letter of thanks for our donation to the Hospice, incorporating photographs taken on the evening
70 banners were also presented to Priya to help with the attempt to break the world record of 7 miles of bunting! There's still a lot of sewing to be done in the next two years... In preparation for this challenge, a pattern and instructions for the bunting can be found in the Template link
More information about the work of Noah's Ark Hospice can be found on their website
The group received a lovely letter of thanks for our donation to the Hospice, incorporating photographs taken on the evening
Header Image - Sabi Westoby - Bunting