Lisa Walton - Leap and the Net Will Appear
The speaker at the meeting on 21 September was Lisa Walton, an award winning quilter, teacher and author from Australia. Starting with traditional quilt making techniques learnt 25 years ago, Lisa likes to take her work in unexpected directions, using her own hand dyed fabrics. The examples below show some of her work and to see more follow this link to Lisa's website: After her busy teaching schedule in the UK this year, Lisa will be returning in 2017 for another tour, giving talks and running workshops. Something to look forward to!
Lisa gave a workshop the following day when members were shown how to fuse fabrics and create a complex looking design easily with no sewing, instead using simple fusing techniques with hand dyed or batik fabrics. Some of the blocks made at the workshop are shown below. And when finished quilts are made they, too, will be published.
Header image: Rachel Tyndall